I should play the guitar

I guess I tend to devote myself to do one thing at the time.

I have been studying English for about 7 months. But I still totally can’t get my head around the language.

And for these past 6 months, I haven’t been practicing the guitar much. So I can’t seem to play the guitar as well as before.

As the saying goes, “Between two stools you fall to the ground”.

There’s a same meaning proverb in Japanese.

It’s “二兎を追う者は一兎をも得ず(にとを おうものは いっとも えず)”.

That means “If you run after two hares you will catch neither”.

Probably I should give priority to practicing the guitar.

Of course I will keep on learning English.

But maybe It’s better to do like “80% guitar” and “20% English”.